Terms of use
Who we are
We are KK Events Ltd (“KK Events”, “we”, “us” “our”). Our registered office is at 12 Hallmark Trading Estate, Fourth Way, Wembley, England, HA9 0LB and our registered number is 14455293.
KK Events hosts events which are described in section 4. If you attend these events, you are contracting with KK Events.
KK Events also manages certain aspects of the Killing Kittens private members club (see section 3 for details about the Killing Kittens private members club).
These Terms
You agree to these Terms and Conditions, which set out:
the terms on which you can join the KK Homme private members club (the “Association”);
the rules associated with membership of the Association; and
the terms on which you can attend Killing Kittens events (which are hosted by KK Events).
The Privacy Policy applies to use of your personal data and cookies (and other similar technologies). Please review these Terms and our Privacy Policy and save a copy of them for your future reference.
If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us using the contact details at section 10 below.
The Association
Objects of the Association
The Association is a private members’ club that is focused on the pursuit of male, transgender and non-binary peoples’ pleasure and empowering those people to explore their sexuality in a safe environment where they are in control.
This section 3 sets out the terms relating to the Association (“Association Terms”)
Who runs the Association?
The Association is managed by a management committee comprising: the Board of Directors from time-to-time of KK Event (“Management Committee”). Each member of the Management Committee is a Member and is also subject to these Association Terms.
Members acknowledge that the Management Committee has sole discretion to manage the affairs of the Association and can delegate any of its roles and responsibilities as it determines. Members (other than those on the Management Committee) have no right to direct or control the affairs of the Association.
These association rules as set out in this section 3 may only be varied by a resolution of the Management Committee.
Who can join?
To meet the objects of the Association, you can apply to become a Member if you satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
you are male, transgender or non-binary; and
you are aged 21 years old or over.
No person will be denied membership of the Association on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, age, disability, occupation, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs.
The Association is an exclusive private members’ club with limited capacity. As such, the Management Committee reserves the right in its absolute discretion to accept or reject any application for Association membership.
You are not permitted to become a Member of the Association if you have previously been a Member of the Association and have had your membership terminated, including for any of the reasons set out in sections 3.32c)-e).
How to join
You can apply to become a Member of the Association:
via the WeAreX/WAX app and/or website; or
directly via the KKH website (https://www.kkhomme.com/).
Your use of the WeAreX/WAX app/website and/or the KK Events website is subject to separate terms and conditions. Please see the relevant website for details.
You will need to complete the application steps set out in the application process. This includes providing your first name; your last name; your date of birth; your gender; country; your nationality, and a picture or proof of identity so we can verify you are a real person (“Registration Data”) here we need to place in sentence about face photo for event entry
You will ensure that your Registration Data, and any other information that you provide to apply to become a Member of the Association is accurate and kept up to date.
Do I have to pay to become a member?
To apply to be a Member of the Association there is an application fee of up to £50 payable (“Application Fee”) to cover the costs of assessing and verifying your application (“Processing Service”), which is processed by KK Events on the Association’s behalf.
Payment of the Application Fee is made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the website and/or app through which you apply (see section 3.10 for further information).
As a consumer, under the law you have an automatic statutory right of withdrawal from contracts. However, when you pay for the Processing Service, KK Events start the Processing Service immediately. You acknowledge that once the Processing Services are performed, you lose your automatic statutory right of withdrawal and any refund.
Being a Member of the Association gives you guest privileges, and you are able to invite a guest (“Guest”) to Events (please see section 4 for further detail).
Guests are not Members of the Association.
Other Members and Guests
While the Management Committee does its best to verify member applicants, to check that they are real persons and/or to verify their identity, the Management Committee does not perform any other background checks (such as criminal record checks or in respect of sexual health), nor does it interview or actively select Members (or their Guests). It does not regularly inquire into the backgrounds of its users or attempt to verify their statements.
The Association endeavours to foster a safe and respectful community. However, the Association and the Management Committee cannot control the behaviour of other Members (and/or their Guests). You are strongly encouraged at all times to take care and be sensible in your interactions with other Members (and/or their Guests), in particular as regards to your safety and sexual activity. You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members (and/or their Guests) and for your own safety. The Association, its members and the Management Committee are not responsible for the conduct of any Members (and/or their Guests).
If you have any concerns or complaints about a Member (and/or their Guests), please contact hello@kkhomme.com or use the report function inside the WeAreX/WAX app.
Other Members and Guests
The Management Committee manages the financial affairs on behalf of the Association. However, as the Association is not a legal entity, the Management Committee may engage KK Events to provide services to the Association and/or enter into contracts on behalf of the Association. KK Events is entitled to use any fees paid to it by the Association in its own discretion.
All monies payable to the Association shall be deposited in a bank account nominated by KK Events on behalf of the Association, and any property owned by the Association shall be held in the name of KK Events.
In no circumstances during the continuance of the Association, nor at or after its dissolution, shall any assets or surplus funds be distributed to any Member.
No Member (except the Management Committee) shall be paid a salary, bonus, fee or other remuneration for being part of the Association.
The Management Committee shall have power to authorise the payment of remuneration and expenses to any member of the Management Committee and to any other person or persons, including KK Events, for services rendered to the Association. The remuneration of a member of the Management Committee or other person may take any form.
The financial transactions of the Association shall be recorded in such manner as the Management Committee sees fit.
Code of Behaviour
KK Homme operates a strict Code of Behaviour for all Association Members. You must comply with (and ensure your Guest complies with) the Code at all times.
Privacy, confidentiality and discretion are core values that the Association requires all Members to abide by. You must not discuss with others, or disclose to others, any non-public information about the Association or other Members.
As a Member of the Association, you agree at all times to comply with (and ensure your Guest complies with) the following rules:
act honestly and respectfully to others;
be discrete and respect other people’s confidentiality and privacy;
do not harass, abuse or harm another person;
comply with the Association rules as set out in this section 3;
comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
not misrepresent your relationships with anyone, past or present;
not impersonate another Member or other third party; and
not collect or store another Member’s personal information without their consent;
agree to show a photo ID when entering an event.
Ending Association Membership
Members of the Association are entitled to terminate their membership at any time by emailing hello@kkhomme.com or by deleting their account. Doing so will automatically revoke their membership.
The Management Committee has the right to terminate any Members membership at any time if:
the Member ceases to satisfy the eligibility criteria set out in sections 3.6 to 3.9 above;
the Member (or its Guest) has, or the Management Committee reasonably suspects the Member (or its Guest) has, breached the Association rules set out in this section 3 (including breach of the Code of Behaviour);
the Member (or its Guest) has breached any of the Event terms set out in section 4; or
there is a risk of loss or harm to the Association, its Members or others, if your membership of the Association were to continue.
The Member (or their Guest), has failed to comply with the rules outlined in Section 4, and, as a result, not been allowed to enter the event or has been removed from the event.
Why you should read our Terms
Killing Kittens events are private, world-famous hedonistic parties, each designed to be an immersive experience of fantasy and exploration.
Ending Association Membership
Killing Kitten Events are run and managed by KK Events. See section 1 for more information.
Can I buy tickets / attend an Event?
If you are a Member of the Association (see section 3 for further information about the Killing Kittens private members club), you are entitled to apply to purchase one “Member ticket” for each event. Only Members may apply to purchase tickets. Being a Member doesn’t guarantee you a ticket because Events are limited by capacity and other restrictions may apply on a case-by-case basis.
Members are also permitted to invite a Guest to an Event by purchasing a “Guest ticket”. There are restrictions on the number of Guests tickets that each Member may purchase for each Event. These restrictions are as set out in the Event description.
Guests are only eligible to attend Events if, in advance of the Event, each Guest has:
completed a guest registration; and
agreed to abide by the Code of Behaviour set out in the Association Terms; and
must always be accompanied by the Member who supplied their ticket.
In order to enter an Event, Members and Guests must be able to verify their identity when requested.
Event tickets and details will only be shared with Members.
How do I buy tickets to an Event?
Members can buy Event tickets via the WeAreX app or website
All Event ticket purchases are subject to:
KK Event’s Event Terms and Conditions;
any additional Ticket Partner terms and conditions.
Where Event tickets are “sold out”, you may be offered an opportunity to join a waitlist so that if Event tickets become available, you will be offered the opportunity to buy Event tickets.
Event Rules
Events were created to give Members a safe space to explore without judgement, to help them become empowered in all aspects of their lives. Members and Guests must at all times show respect to other Event attendees, KK Events staff members, as well as any additional persons present at the events and abide by the Code of Behaviour set out in the Association Terms, and agree to abide by these “Event Rules”.
Members and/or their Guests may be refused access to, or immediately removed from, Events If they fail to abide by these Event Rules and/or the Code of Behaviour set out in the Association Terms.
Members are responsible for their Guest and their actions therefore Members should not be separated from their Guests at an Event.
Members and Guests shall not behave in any way that might be considered anti-social or disruptive or in a manner that is inconsistent with the Code of Behaviour. KK Events may report for investigation any Member or Guest whom they consider is in breach of these Terms.
For security reasons, bags may be searched as a condition of entry.
Members and Guests must not take or make phone calls, and must ensure that phones and similar devices are in silent mode, while attending an Event. Phones and similar devices may only be used in designated areas at Events. Phones will either be placed in privacy pouch, or have the camera covered
No cameras, video or recording devices, live-streaming or otherwise – whether on a mobile phone or other device, may be used at an Event. KK Events may take possession of and confiscate any mobile phone, camera, video or recording device and any photos, videos or other recorded images used or taken at an Event.
Members and Guests must not bring alcohol or illegal substances onto Event premises. Licensing laws shall be strictly enforced. Anyone who is/or appears to be intoxicated and/or is offering/selling or consuming illegal substances will be removed from Events immediately without entitlement to a refund. Furthermore, authorities will be notified in such instances.
Events will in general be non-smoking and non-vaping events. Please follow directions at Events to find designated smoking areas.
In no circumstance will KK Events or the Management Committee be responsible for any costs incurred by you by attending an Event including, for example, travel or accommodation costs to attend an Event.
Killing Kittens reserves the right to make last minute changes to the date, location, content, structure, or any specifics relating to a planned event without issuing a notice or refund to ticket holders.
Tickets & Event Details are shared with members of the Association. The responsibility lies with the Member to share the details with their Guest. Where a couples ticket is purchased, event details will be sent to the Association Member. Details will not be shared with Guests who have been invited to an event by a Member.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. If you cannot attend, you will not receive a refund for any costs of the ticket or otherwise.
Killing Kittens reserves the right to apply a £20 admin fee to any changes to tickets.
KK Events and the Association operate a strict no unauthorised press policy. You must not discuss or disclose to any press, any information about Events, the Association, the Management Committee and/or Members.
Age Requirement
Consumers have certain legal rights known as “statutory rights” as they are derived from consumer laws. Nothing in these Terms affects these rights. In particular, we do not exclude our liability for: (a) death or personal injury caused by negligence; (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (c) any matter for which it would be illegal for us to limit or exclude our liability.
KK Events, the Association and the Management Committee do not voluntarily accept responsibility for any loss or damage that:
was not caused by us breaching these Terms or a legal duty owed to you;
was not, at the time you agreed to these Terms, a reasonably foreseeable consequence of us breaching these Terms (loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time these Terms were entered into, both we and you knew it might happen); or
was caused by an event outside of our control.
Links to third party websites
You are responsible for all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses suffered or incurred by us as a result of your breach of these Terms.
No Promises
Please contact us using the contact details at section 10 of these Terms if you have any complaints. We would prefer in the first instance to try to resolve informally any dispute that may arise between you and us.
These Terms are governed by English law but we will not deprive you of any protection you have under the law of the country where you live and you can bring actions in the courts of your home country.
Intellectual Property Rights
Transferring rights: You may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of any rights or obligations arising under these Terms, without our prior written consent. You agree that we may transfer our rights and obligations under our contract with you to a third party purchaser of our business or to an affiliate, in which case we shall notify you and explain your options.
Third party rights: These Terms are between you and us. Nobody else can enforce them and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing them.
If the Terms are invalidated: If a court or other authority decides that any of these Terms is unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.
Delays: We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you're not allowed to, but that doesn’t mean we can't do it later.
Contact us
If you have any queries or complaints relating to the Services or these Terms, please contact us by email: parties@kkhomme.com. We will try to answer your inquiry or resolve your complaint as soon as possible.
Last updated: 25th January 2024

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